Distributor View

In Distributor View you can get an overview of all the licenses that you have sold.
The licenses are assigned to the relevant reseller and corresponding end user. This view serves mainly to provide information. You can’t activate licenses here. For the sake of data security, customer registration and activation keys are not shown in this view. If you wish to activate your own licenses (for your own business), or request support for your own licenses, please use the Customer View.

If you have any questions regarding your licenses, or if licenses are not listed, please contact our activation team.

In this view, you certainly have the possibility of requesting non-binding offers to extend the duration (Service Runtime) of the support and update services of your customers’ licenses. In doing so, make sure to first select the correct customer. Then click on the appropriate button. You can find a full description of the buttons Request a non-binding service offer and Apply filter here ».

Important note:
In Customer View, only licenses that you purchased for your own use should be shown. If you, as a distributor, see licenses there that you have already sold on to a customer, please inform us immediately of the customer’s details. You can use the form ″Contact activation team″ for that.
As long as Cortado doesn’t have the customer information for these licenses, they won’t be displayed for the customer, and therefore can’t be activated.